Due to the influence of so-called deputation or watching motivational videos, the current young generation is getting frustrated with their careers as they tend to dream more about salary sheets than acquiring life skills before or after graduation. Most of the young generation aspirants are getting demotivated by bargaining only on salary amount as they are not able to stay in a profession for long or see proper process rather than acquiring skills based on their knowledge and interest.
Young people interested in doing an apprenticeship or on-the-job training may need help with:
- finding a workplace to train in
- finding someone to hire them as an apprentice
- putting a CV together.
We can support your young persons career by:
- listening to the reasons they want to choose this career
- explaining our thoughts calmly
- encouraging them to have a backup plan if the career is high risk or there are few jobs in that area.
It is a temporary story of a career going a long way so it is not difficult to be a good actor in a play called Career if you can start the story well.